Thursday, February 26, 2015

Printing patterns...and a whole lot of Hamilton inspiration!

The second Nu Steel project of the semester had students designing printed textiles while collaborating with some awesome local artists.  The project started with a guest workshop by Georgie Russell, of clothing and accessories company Hand and Shadow (, who demonstrated the art of repeat printing and shared her experiences as a small arts-based business owner in Hamilton.  She also led a fabric shopping spree extraordinaire along Ottawa Street, as youth chose fabrics they would turn into unique patterned textiles.  Over the next week or so, students used a range of composition techniques to create patterns, shoot them onto screens, and hand print them onto fabric.  Superstar Rowen even sewed her own t-shirt!  We were also lucky enough to visit the studio of textile designer Roisin Fagan (, who walked us through her process and showed us all sorts of cool things, including hand-grown dyes from her rooftop garden!  
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

The history of printmaking, a letterpress from the 60s, and a bunny named Beans...

The first week of February marked the beginning of a new semester at NuSteel, Centre 3’s arts education program for high school youth.  The first project of the year had students learning about the history of printmaking and the role print media has played in shaping human societies.  Students designed woodblocks based on an event, person, or theme related to the history of print, and then each made a small series of prints using Centre 3’s (very cool, very retro) Vandercook letterpress.  This project had students experimenting with carving techniques, utilizing elements and principles of design, collaborating with classmates and other members of the Centre 3 community, and critically analyzing the evolution of human society in relation to printed material.  In other words: project-based learning at its finest, baby! 

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Oh yeah and a little off topic, but can't forget to mention Nu Steel's funny, furry, and fabulous mascot: Beans!  Find him here Tuesdays and Thursdays...bonus marks if you bring carrots!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

NuSteel Subvertisement Print

Subvertisement print by Sean

Subvertisement print by Cam

Subvertisement print by Justine

Subvertisement print by Josh

Subvertisement print by Ciara

Nusteel Human Rights Print

Human rights print by Sean

Human rights print by Cam

Human rights print by Justine

Human rights print by Josh

Human rights print by Preston

Human rights print by Ciara

NuSteel Dry Point Prints

Dry point print by Sean

Dry point print by Josh

Dry point print by Nathan

Dry point print by Amber

Dry point print by Preston

Dry point print by Ciara

NuSteel Greenstreets T-shirts

Greenstreets T-shirt by Cam

Greenstreets T-shirt by Justine

Greenstreets T-shirt by Josh

Greenstreets T-shirt by Nathan

Greenstreets T-shirt by Ciara

NuSteel Wanted Posters

Wanted Poster by Sean

Wanted Poster by Justine

Wanted Poster by Josh

Wanted Poster by Amber

Wanted Poster by Preston

Wanted Poster by Ciara

NuSteel Copper Etching

Copper Etching by Sean

Copper Etching by Justine

Copper Etching by Josh

Copper Etching by Nathan

Copper Etching by Ciara

NuSteel Christmas Cards

Christmas card by Cam
Christmas card by Justine

Christmas card by Josh

Christmas card by Nathan

Christmas card by Amber